4 SMS CZ machines will be presented at the French exhibition Terres en fête

From 7 June to 9 June, the French Terres en fête exhibition takes place, which, with an average attendance of up to 85,000 people, is one of the country's major agricultural events, with an impact particularly on the central and northern parts of France. SMS CZ will be there, with 4 machines on display on the E17 area of partner Fumery Pieces.

"We have been successfully importing our equipment to France for over 15 years and during that time we have gained hundreds of satisfied customers in the country. In fact, two of our products, the ARRAS and ATOS cultivators, have been specially developed according to the requirements of French farmers. Moreover, ARRAS is named after the regional centre near which the exhibition is held, and that is why this cultivator will be on display at the stand," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

The professional and general public will be able to get acquainted with the ARRAS 470 H. The machine is suitable for pre-sowing preparation and for deeper cultivation and furrow breaking up to a depth of 20 cm. However, it is also suitable for shallow post-harvest subsoil.

The machine has a hydraulically folded frame, which is equipped with three rows of tines with an axial spacing of 22.5 cm. Tines are protected against overloading by a flexible 35x35 mm square profile. For heavier conditions, the machine can be fitted with a thicker 40x40 mm profile. This is followed by a 12 mm diameter wire loader with infinitely adjustable height and working inclination. An adjustable support and crushing roller rounds it all off.

Another machine seen at the event from the SMS CZ workshop will be the TALON CLASSIC 300/6 deep cultivator with six tines, a working width of 3 m and a working depth of up to 45 cm. The machine's working tines can be secured either by a shear bolt or, when working in more demanding conditions, hydropneumatically. In addition, straight or curved tines are available. The machine is used to break up, lift and aerate compacted soil without pulling the unproductive subsoil to the surface.

The SEVERIT 400 H compactor will also be on display at the event. Thanks to the combination of different types of working units, this machine is able to level the land, break up clods and precisely prepare the seedbed in one pass. The model on display consists of two frames that are hydraulically folded perpendicular to the machine axis. The working width is 4 m and the machine can combine up to 7 working operations in one pass.

And let's not forget the TERAN N 300 carrier roller model for the rear three-point hitch of the tractor. The working width of the machine is 3 m and it stands out for its versatility and easy manoeuvrability. It is suitable for both permanent grassland maintenance and field applications. Thanks to its short design, the machine's centre of gravity is very close to the linkage, making it suitable for less powerful tractors or for sloping land. The machine will be on display with the PS 200 seed drill attachment.

The Terres en fête agricultural exhibition is held every two years, with an average of 500 exhibitors on an outdoor area of over 20 hectares and an average attendance of 85,000 people. The event has the distinction of being a major agricultural event for the area north of Paris.

You are all cordially invited to the stand of partner Fumery Pieces on area E17.

Teran N
24 July 2024

The Belgian market and the entire BENELUX region are important markets for the Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ. Over more than twenty years of presence in the region, the brand has built a strong position and regularly participates in the largest agricultural exhibition Libramont's Fair. This year will be no different: from 26 to 29 July, farmers can get to know five machines better.https://www.smscz.cz/cz/node/341

26 June 2024

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Severit G 1200 ENG
26 June 2024

SMS CZ launches the new TITAN SIMPLE 630 cambridge roller. It has also expanded its range of SEVERIT compactors with the SEVERIT G model with a working width of 12 m and the TALON MEDIUM range of deep subsoilers has been extended to include machines with a working width of 4 and 5 m.

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů