
    SEVERIT 1 - Titulka
    29 January 2025
    SEVERIT Compactor: Efficiency and Precision in a Single Pass

    The SEVERIT compactor from SMS CZ delivers efficient, fast, and precise pre-sowing soil preparation. Thanks to its unique design, which allows the use of up to eight working sections, it can level the surface, break up clods, and create a homogeneous seedbed in just one pass. This saves time and fuel costs while minimizing soil compaction and contributing to its long-term health.

    SMS CZ Newsletter
    30 December 2024
    SMS CZ Newsletter

    The new issue of our SMS CZ Newsletter is here! Spend just 5 minutes of your time to learn about the highlights of the past year and what’s ahead for us in 2025.

    PF 2025
    18 December 2024
    Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2025!

    We wish all our employees, partners, customers, and supporters a wonderful holiday season and a new year full of health, happiness, and success – both in the field and beyond.

    26 November 2024
    Debut of SMS CZ at the Swiss Agrama Bern Exhibition

    The Czech agricultural machinery manufacturer SMS CZ will present its machines for the first time at the prestigious Swiss exhibition Agrama in Bern. At the booth of its Swiss partner, Land und Baummaschinen Service, visitors will see two machines: the versatile seed drill SMART 300 and the TERAN 300 N mounted Cambridge rollers. This marks a significant step in SMS CZ's ambitions to expand into new markets.

    11 November 2024
    Czech Technology by SMS CZ Makes Its Debut at Norway’s Agroteknikk Exhibition

    Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ will display its products for the first time at the prestigious Agroteknikk exhibition in Norway. The event will take place from November 14 to 17, 2024, in Lillestrøm, near Oslo. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore five SMS CZ machines featuring advanced solutions for soil cultivation and seeding at the stand of SMS CZ's Norwegian partner, Aase Landbrug.

    ATH 2024
    09 September 2024
    SMS CZ at Agrotechniek Holland 2024

    Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ s.r.o. will take part in the Agrotechniek Holland exhibition, which will take place from 11 to 14 September 2024. SMS CZ will present six machines at the prestigious agricultural event, reflecting the company's long tradition in the production of machinery for soil processing and meadow maintenance. Machines representing every single category as well as universal and will be on display on area 5.22.

    19 August 2024
    SMS CZ will present 6 machines at Země Živitelka (CZE)

    SMS CZ, a Czech producer of agricultural equipment, will be part of the 50th annual agrosalon Země Živitelka, which will take place from 22 August to 27 August 2024 in České Budějovice (CZE). It will present a total of six top machines on the 201 booth, including last year's novelty TALON GREEN.

    Teran N
    24 July 2024
    SMS CZ at the Libramont exhibition in Belgium

    The Belgian market and the entire BENELUX region are important markets for the Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ. Over more than twenty years of presence in the region, the brand has built a strong position and regularly participates in the largest agricultural exhibition Libramont's Fair. This year will be no different: from 26 to 29 July, farmers can get to know five machines better.

    26 June 2024
    SMS CZ presents its brand new INFINITE ploughs

    The product offer of SMS CZ has been expanded from summer 2024 by a completely new category of machines, namely ploughs. With the INFINITE model series, the producer enters a new ploughing segment with a range of four models.

    Severit G 1200 ENG
    26 June 2024
    Product news from SMS CZ for season 2024

    SMS CZ launches the new TITAN SIMPLE 630 cambridge roller. It has also expanded its range of SEVERIT compactors with the SEVERIT G model with a working width of 12 m and the TALON MEDIUM range of deep subsoilers has been extended to include machines with a working width of 4 and 5 m.

    Terres en fête - Arras
    06 June 2024
    4 SMS CZ machines will be presented at the French exhibition Terres en fête

    From 7 June to 9 June, the French Terres en fête exhibition takes place, which, with an average attendance of up to 85,000 people, is one of the country's major agricultural events, with an impact particularly on the central and northern parts of France. SMS CZ will be there, with 4 machines on display on the E17 area of partner Fumery Pieces.

    Finisher 300 v Rumunsku ENG
    22 May 2024
    Another local premiere of the new FINISHER cultivator, this time in Romania

    AgriPlanta-RomAgroTec, the largest outdoor agricultural machinery exhibition in Romania, will take place from 23 May to 26 May. At the event, the stand E239 of partner S.C. Zetor Tractor S.R.L. will also be presenting the new FINISHER 3G 300 cultivator. You are all cordially invited to the exhibition.

    Bata Agro 2024
    14 May 2024
    The new CULTIVATOR FINISHER will be presented at Bata Agro in Bulgaria

    From 13 May to 17 May, one of the biggest agricultural exhibitions in Bulgaria Bata Agro will take place. During the five exhibition days, farmers will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the autumn novelty of SMS CZ, the FINISHER 3G 400 cultivator. All of you are cordially invited to the stand of partner Agritrade BG.

    10 April 2024
    Machines from SMS CZ will be presented at the German Agra exhibition

    From 11 to 14 April, the Agra exhibition will take place in Leipzig, Germany. Visitors to the event can look forward to a total of 5 SMS CZ machines. At the stand of the Czech producer of agricultural machinery, there will be a disc cultivator, a meadow and cambridge roller, a seeder, or last year's novelty TALON GREEN, a deep subsoiler for meadows. All are welcome to the G63 outdoor area.

    Talon Green in Benelux
    13 February 2024
    BENELUX Premiere of the new TALON GREEN subsoiler for meadows

    The autumn novelty TALON GREEN, a deep SUBSOILER for meadows and pastures, from the Czech agricultural equipment producer SMS CZ, will be presented to Belgian farmers for the first time at the Agridagen exhibition from 16 February to 18 February 2024.

    Farmář s Golemem
    30 January 2024
    "It's reliable," says a farmer working with a GOLEM 540 roller

    The spring season also brings the need to pay attention to the condition of meadows and pastures. This means repairing the damage caused by black beasts over the winter, considering moss clearance, gentle watering and aeration of the soil, as well as possible reseeding. All these tasks can be carried out using the largest meadow roller on the market, the GOLEM from the Czech company SMS CZ. And because there is nothing like the experience of a farmer, we went to interview Mr. Jungvirt from the Czech Republic to find out how his GOLEM 540 helps him in his work and needs.

    SMS CZ Newsletter ENG
    19 December 2023
    SMS CZ Newsletter

    Christmas edition of our SMS CZ Newsletter. We wish you a pleasant reading at the end of the year

    PF 2024
    14 December 2023
    PF 2024

    SMS CZ wishes all employees, business partners, customers and fans of the brand a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2024

    05 October 2023
    SMS CZ celebrates 30 years, launches NEW product and innovations and introduces a new visual direction

    SMS CZ s.r.o., a Czech producer of soil and meadow technology, celebrates 30 years of its existence this year. To mark the occasion, it is introducing the new TALON GREEN deep cultivator for meadows and pastures, the new generation of the FINISHER combined cultivator and has given itself a new visual identity that more accurately corresponds to the values and direction of the brand.

    SMS CZ in Portugal
    14 September 2023
    Portugal: a new opportunity for SMS CZ

    The Rokycany-based producer of agricultural machinery for soil, meadow and pasture processing, SMS CZ, is expanding its area of activity and entering into cooperation with a business partner in Portugal, where they will be used in a new segment of agriculture, which is the cultivation of nuts and dry fruits. SMS CZ machines were also presented to the Portuguese audience at the Agroglobal exhibition in Santarém.

SEVERIT 1 - Titulka
29 January 2025

The SEVERIT compactor from SMS CZ delivers efficient, fast, and precise pre-sowing soil preparation. Thanks to its unique design, which allows the use of up to eight working sections, it can level the surface, break up clods, and create a homogeneous seedbed in just one pass. This saves time and fuel costs while minimizing soil compaction and contributing to its long-term health.

SMS CZ Newsletter
30 December 2024

The new issue of our SMS CZ Newsletter is here! Spend just 5 minutes of your time to learn about the highlights of the past year and what’s ahead for us in 2025.

PF 2025
18 December 2024

We wish all our employees, partners, customers, and supporters a wonderful holiday season and a new year full of health, happiness, and success – both in the field and beyond.

  • About company

    SMS CZ is a progressive engineering company with specialization in agriculture machinery and environmental technologies. The agricultural machinery program includes high quality machines for soil cultivation, pre-sowing preparation, rolling, meadow cultivation, grass seeding and reseeding that we sell all over the world. The division of environmental technologies designs and manufactures solution for waste incineration and flue gas stabilization.

CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004523 - Nová technologie rafinace spalin a eliminace persistetních organických látek využitím odpadního sorbentu 

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Oveřená technologie: nová technologie rafinace spalin pro snižování kyselých plynů  a persistentních organických látek. Popoprovoz nové technologie rafinace spalin

CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004522 - Nová nízkonákladová technologie pro katalytickou redukci oxidů dusíku ve spalinách určená pro malé a střední emisní zdroje

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Oveřená technologie nové katalytické metody snižování NOx ve spalinách. Návrh a konstrukce nové technologie DeNOx instalované na poloprovozní spalovací jednotce VŠB-TUO.

Výstavy 2017-2019

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

Účast na zahraničních výstavách 2018-2020

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Udržet pozici na zaharaničních trzích, udržet podíl vývozu firmy na cca 70-ti procentech produkce a získavat trhy nové, aby mohlo dojít k vyrovnání případného poklesu kupní síly(vlivem stavu zemědělství a  dotací), v některé zemi kam vyvážíme.

Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů