Seeding and Spreading

Besides own production of agriculture machines SMS CZ is a dealer of Austrian partner – company APV.Development and production of innovative agriculture machinery and garden equipment is APV main activity and field of interest. APV offers high quality seeding and spreading units with volume of hopper 40-1600l. It ensures  wide range of applications and together with another accessories is able to work automaticly regardless the working conditions.  APV machines are characterized by its high efficiency and productivity. It is the reason why APV products are popular in Europe and worldwide.


Disc spreaders 

The plastic hopper ensures the low weight of the entire spreader. It contains the spreading material which securely reaches the metering shutter through an agitator. You can control the spread rate with the stepless metering shutter. The spreading material falls on the spreading disc and is distributed equally across the working width. The speed of the spreading disc and thus the working width are easy to set from the driver’s seat via the control box.

Multi-metering systems

The Multi-Metering System (MD) series arose from the idea of combining the best features of our most popular products. We use the metering unit from our Pneumatic Seeders and combine it with different spreading methods. For us, the "two in one" principle means putting together excellent product features to make one exceptional seeder or spreader. This results in different types of Multi-Metering Systems - versatile products for diverse farming applications.

Pneumatic seeders

APV's Pneumatic Seeders (PS) are characterized by their universal use on a wide variety of machines. Because of this, a combined application is possible - tilling the soil and seed simultaneously.This will save you time and money!The seeds are conveyed by air support through plastic hoses to the dispersion plates.This enables precise seeding even by windy conditions. While driving, adjustments and monitoring are possible on the control box at any time.As accessories, speed-adjusted seed rate spreading are available. The APV PS series includes products of different hopper sizes (120, 200, 300, 500, 800, 1200 and 1600 litres), a fan (electric, hydraulic or PTO fan) and design (standard, fertiliser and / or TWIN). In addition to the seeding of catch crops, the application of nurse crops and grass reseeding are also possible with APV seeders.


Contact person:

Jiri Andrlik


tel.+ 420 721 737 789

PS 300 M1
PS 500 M1
PS 800 M1
PS 1600 M1
PS 300 M1D
PS 500 M1D

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Výstavy 2017-2019

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů