Machines from SMS CZ will be presented at the German Agra exhibition

From 11 to 14 April, the Agra exhibition will take place in Leipzig, Germany. Visitors to the event can look forward to a total of 5 SMS CZ machines. At the stand of the Czech producer of agricultural machinery, there will be a disc cultivator, a meadow and cambridge roller, a seeder, or last year's novelty TALON GREEN, a deep subsoiler for meadows. All are welcome to the G63 outdoor area.

"Germany, as a neighbouring country, is an important export market for our company. Agra is one of the most important agricultural events for the Central and Eastern German region. In addition, our entire range of products is used in the country, i.e. both tillage and meadow machines, which is why we are bringing a mix of machines to the event that we believe will attract the German audience," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ.

Last year's novelty - the TALON GREEN deep subsoiler - will be on display in the outdoor area G63 from Thursday 11 April to Sunday 14 April. The machine is designed for deep cultivation and aeration of permanent grassland without disturbing the vegetation and mixing the soil structure and pulling stones to the surface. The mechanically adjustable cutter cuts the top layer of the crop for smooth passage of the tine, up to a depth of 35 cm. The roller then consolidates everything. A 300/4 model with a working width of 3 m and four tines will be on display.

Visitors can also look forward to the SMART 300 universal seeding machines. The machine is used for establishing and sowing soil seeds and meadow crops. The SMART works on the basis of slit seeding. It cuts a narrow slit in the soil into which it inserts the seed and presses the soil back down. With a working width of 3 m, it is suitable for small and medium areas. It is robust and therefore suitable for difficult conditions and stony soils. In addition, the machine can be equipped with a wide range of seeding accessories from APV.

The SUPERIOR G 800 disc cultivator will also be presented to the public. The machine stands out for its robust and durable construction and easy maintenance. The working width is 8 m and the depth is up to 18 cm. The disc cultivator is equipped with two rows of discs with a diameter of 610 mm. The discs are mounted on maintenance-free bearings on forged and rigid tines in pairs. As a result, they follow the terrain well and hold their position even in difficult terrain. The two-arm concept also spreads the stresses on the working organs over a larger area and results in longer machine life. Tines are mounted on the frame on a long, durable rubber silent block, which increases their rigidity and durability. The machine is perfectly suited to challenging terrain and, due to the wide spacing of the individual working units, it can playfully handle larger quantities of post-harvest residues. A wide range of accessories can be fitted to the disc cultivator. This is why the machines can be configured according to the individual needs of customers, from small farms to large enterprises with high daily outputs.

The cambridge roller category will be represent by the TERAN 1220. This is a 12-metre machine used for rolling seed after sowing in fields and meadows and for soil compaction and seed placement. The machine is characterised by excellent ground following, due to its five-piece frame and the free suspension of each individual section. The original TitanLoc system is used for perfect axial retraction of the cast iron cambridge segments on the shaft. The TERAN is characterised by its simple operation, the possibility of aggregation with tractors of lower power and a wide range of accessories including, for example, drill attachments.

And let's not forget the GOLEM 540 grassland roller with a working width of 5.4 m. These are essential tools for the maintenance of permanent grassland. The machine can be equipped with a wide range of accessories and can thus combine several operations in one pass, from moss combing, rolling and levelling the soil to seeding. One of the advantages is the possibility of loading the rollers with water up to a weight of 11,500 kg, which means a perfect levelling effect, especially when repairing black game damage. The machine stands out for its simplicity, operational reliability and low maintenance.

Agra takes place every two years at the Leipzig Exhibition Centre. 1100 exhibitors present themselves on an area of 80,000 m2.

You are all cordially invited to the outdoor area of G63.

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Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů