SEVERIT Compactor: Efficiency and Precision in a Single Pass

The SEVERIT compactor from SMS CZ delivers efficient, fast, and precise pre-sowing soil preparation. Thanks to its unique design, which allows the use of up to eight working sections, it can level the surface, break up clods, and create a homogeneous seedbed in just one pass. This saves time and fuel costs while minimizing soil compaction and contributing to its long-term health.

SEVERIT is suitable for both traditional tillage after plowing and minimal tillage systems with shallower soil processing up to 15 cm. The machine is available in working widths from 3 m (mounted version) up to 12 m (trailed version). Among Czech farmers, the most popular models include trailed versions with a two-part hydraulic folding frame (4 to 6 m working widths), which can be used with tractors from 130 HP, or the mounted model with a single-frame design and a 3 m working width. The variety of models ensures suitability for small farmers as well as large agricultural enterprises with high daily productivity. The machines are in stock and ready for spring fieldwork.

Robust Construction and Easy Operation

SEVERIT is made of high-strength materials, ensuring durability and a long service life, even in demanding conditions, including wet or heavy soils. Hydraulic circuits make handling effortless – the machine can be easily folded into transport position or unfolded into working mode. In the premium version, operators can conveniently adjust the stiffness of the flexible leveling bar and control the working depth of tines and chisels directly from the cab.

The compactor operates at speeds of up to 15 km/h, improving efficiency and reducing work time. High working speeds also contribute to better clod breaking and create a more uniform soil structure, which is crucial for even crop emergence.

The standard working section includes two rows of tines, with an optional upgrade to three rows of springs, ideal for lighter soils. Additional working elements include:Front and rear leveling bars (fixed or flexible), finishing section, support rollers (options include tine rollers, crosskill, or double crosskill rollers) or tractor track loosening tines

Customizable for Every Farmer’s Needs

As is characteristic of SMS CZ, SEVERIT offers a wide range of accessories to tailor the machine to each farmer’s specific requirements. Available customization options include various types of tines, leveling bars, and rollers, including ductile iron crosskill rollers, known for their high crumbling and compaction efficiency. The hydraulic control system further enhances ease of use.

Trailed models feature an axle positioned behind the working sections, providing stability and effective rear weight distribution, especially when a third roller is used.

For optimal performance, the SEVERIT compactor requires crop residues to be incorporated at a minimum depth of 5 cm, with residue size kept as small as possible. The wide spacing between working sections prevents clogging and allows SEVERIT to operate efficiently even in fields with residual plant matter.

Farmers appreciate SEVERIT’s ease of operation, low maintenance requirements, and minimal lubrication points.

Learn more about SEVERIT here.

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů