
    Superior 500
    21 July 2023
    SUPERIOR disk cultivator: high performance even at high speeds

    Disc cultivators are one of the long-standing favourite machines of the Czech agricultural equipment producer SMS CZ s.r.o. used for cultivation or pre-sowing preparation after ploughing or cultivation. The offer of the Rokycany company consists of two model series, where SUPERIOR is a representative of short and heavy cultivators.

    Hadačka 1
    30 June 2023
    The beginning of the holiday in the sign of exhibitions

    At the turn of June and July, SMS CZ machines will be presented in three countries, after the Czech Republic also in agricultural exhibitions in Luxembourg and Germany.

    SMS CZ at Australia
    29 June 2023
    Successful expansion of SMS CZ into Australia

    After the successful establishment of cooperation between SMS CZ and business partners from Australia last year, the Rokycany company is deepening its cooperation and increasing the volume of machine deliveries to the country by almost double.

    25 May 2023
    SMS CZ machines will be presented at AgriPlanta in Rumunia

    From 25 May until 28 May, the AgriPlanta agricultural exhibition is taking place in the Romanian town of Fundulea. Traditionally, the machines of the Czech producer SMS CZ will also be there. On the E 27 standa, visitors will see the SUPERIOR 800 G and Ontario 300 disc cultivators, TERAN 700 cambridge rollers and the SEVERIT 300 compactor.

    18 April 2023
    GOLEM - the largest and heaviest grassland rollers on the market

    GOLEM grassland roller from the production of the SMS CZ s.r.o. company in Rokycany is one of the largest and heaviest products in its category on the market with a working width of 5.4 m and a weight of up to 11 tons. Thanks to a wide range of accessories, it can combine several operations into one and thus ensure comprehensive care of permanent grassland.

    08 April 2023
    Happy Easter

    We wish all our employees, business partners, customers and supporters of our brand a Happy Easter.

    PF 2023
    21 December 2022
    PF 2023

    We wish you Merry Christmas and our best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year 2023.

    SMS CZ team

    05 November 2022
    SMS CZ will bring four machines to SIMA 2022

    Czech manufacturer of soil and meadow technology, SMS CZ s.r.o., has launched the new generation of the ONTARIO disc cultivator this year. The new product will be presented together with three other machines at SIMA 2022 in Paris. The Czech brand will be presented in Paris under a new logo, which has been prepared for its 30th anniversary.

    SIMA Paris 2022
    20 October 2022
    An Invitation to SIMA

    The Czech family-owned manufacturer of high-quality, soil and pasture cultivation machines, will be at the 2022 SIMA fair in Paris from 6 to 10 November. Our Company will present four machines at the 5a E096 stand, including the new generation of the Ontario disc cultivator.

    14 September 2022
    Tined weeder Lanio 600 on display for the first time in the Netherlands

    The Lanio 600 tined weeder with a working width of 6 m will be presented to the Dutch public at the largest outdoor exhibition Agrotechniek Holland in mid-September. The versatile and popular machine is used for lawn maintenance and field work. The Teran roller and Talon deep subsoiler will be on display alongside the tined weeder.

    29 July 2022
    Czech tillage machines to be seen at the fair in Belgium

    In the midst of a sultry summer, the Rokycany-based SMS CZ brand will present itself to the Belgian public at the Agricultural and Forest Fair of Libramont 2022. From 29 July to 1 August, farmers can look forward to six SMS CZ machines for soil processing and maintenance of meadows and pastures in Libramont, Belgium.

    19 July 2022
    Titan roller to be seen for the first time in Luxembourg

    Czech manufacturer of agricultural soil processing machines SMS CZ, s.r.o. participated for the first time at the beginning of this month in the Luxembourg exhibition Foire Agricole. The Titan 630, a robust and multifunctional roller, was presented to the professional and amateur public.

    30 June 2022
    SMS CZ launched four product news during the spring

    During the spring, the Czech brand SMS CZ launched a new generation of the Ontario disc cultivator with working widths of 5 and 6 metres. The popular Teran N roller, Smart seeding machine and Cambridge rollers have also been given wider working widths.

    Rokycany machines at the exhibition Naše pole 2022
    14 June 2022
    Rokycany machines at the exhibition Naše pole 2022

    Czech fans of Rokycany technology can rejoice, SMS CZ machines will be on display on home soil for the first time this year after a series of events abroad. A total of three machines will be presented at the Naše pole event in Nabočany, East Bohemia, namely the Lanio 600 bar harrow, Teran 630 roller and Talon Medium 300/7 deep cultivator.

    10 June 2022
    SMS CZ machines at the French exhibition Terres en fête

    SMS CZ machines are presented to the French public at the Terres en fête exhibition. There are six machines on display - from a disc cultivator, to a roller for the front linkage of a tractor, to the Arras coulter cultivator developed specifically for the needs of farmers in northern France and named after the town of the same name.

    02 June 2022
    SMS CZ machines at the Romanian Agriplanta exhibition

    SMS CZ machines are presented at the Romanian exhibition AgriPlatna from the 2nd to the 5th of June.. The SUPERIOR G 800 and ONTARIO 300 disc cultivators, TERAN 700 Cambridge rollers and the SEVERIT 400 H pre-sowing compactor will be presented to the public.

    10 September 2020
    A new Teran N roller for field and grassland cultivation

    A new generation of a very popular Teran N roller with new additional equipment has been shown. 

    The new model brings:

    - additional third row of 12mm sticks instead of the leveling board

    - easy adjustment of harrows and leveling board

    - easy acces to loading platform 

    - possibility of hydraulic adjustment of the harrows (ask your dealer!!)

    - no need of leveling board working angel adjustment

    - efficient setup of the sticks and agressive knives for meadow upkeep

    Ask your dealer and try our demo machine on your field!! 

    09 September 2019
    the Landbouwvakdagen exhibition in southern Netherland

    Exhibition Landbouwvakdagen took place near Netherland-Belgium border with SMS CZ participation. Customers was able to see subsoiling ploughs Talon Kombi and Talon Optimum with working depth 45 and 35cm, Cambridge roller Teran N with leveling section, wire harrow and seeding unit,  and share tiller Atos. On the top of that customers could see a new machine for foreign markets the corn and beet inter-row cultivator, available in the Czech republic from 2020. SMS CZ would like to thank Johan van Meer for the representation.

    09 September 2019
    Exhibition Norla Messe 2019

    Preparation for Norla Messe exhibiton taking place nearby Rendsburg in northern Germany on 5-8th of Semptember. Customers could see machines for grassland cultivation, agregators into the front loader of the tractor and machines with APV pneumatic seeders for the grass spreading. SMS CZ thanks to our partner, Willem Honermeier for our exhibiton organizing.

    22 March 2019
    A 2019 NEW the seed drill machine SMART 300 has found its customer

    One of the first seed dril machines SMART 300 as a very expecting new of 2019 got to the customer from northern Pilsen on 21st March.  The pneumatic 3 meters wide seed dril machine SMART 300 was constructed by SMSCZ and extended of some accesories in cooperation with our austrian partner APV.

    Main application of the SMART 300 seed drill is the planting and recultivation of grassland with the possibility of sowing common crops in the field.

  • About company

    SMS CZ is a progressive engineering company with specialization in agriculture machinery and environmental technologies. The agricultural machinery program includes high quality machines for soil cultivation, pre-sowing preparation, rolling, meadow cultivation, grass seeding and reseeding that we sell all over the world. The division of environmental technologies designs and manufactures solution for waste incineration and flue gas stabilization.

CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004523 - Nová technologie rafinace spalin a eliminace persistetních organických látek využitím odpadního sorbentu 

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Oveřená technologie: nová technologie rafinace spalin pro snižování kyselých plynů  a persistentních organických látek. Popoprovoz nové technologie rafinace spalin

CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004522 - Nová nízkonákladová technologie pro katalytickou redukci oxidů dusíku ve spalinách určená pro malé a střední emisní zdroje

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Oveřená technologie nové katalytické metody snižování NOx ve spalinách. Návrh a konstrukce nové technologie DeNOx instalované na poloprovozní spalovací jednotce VŠB-TUO.

Výstavy 2017-2019

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

Účast na zahraničních výstavách 2018-2020

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Udržet pozici na zaharaničních trzích, udržet podíl vývozu firmy na cca 70-ti procentech produkce a získavat trhy nové, aby mohlo dojít k vyrovnání případného poklesu kupní síly(vlivem stavu zemědělství a  dotací), v některé zemi kam vyvážíme.

Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů