SMS CZ machines will be presented at AgriPlanta in Rumunia

From 25 May until 28 May, the AgriPlanta agricultural exhibition is taking place in the Romanian town of Fundulea. Traditionally, the machines of the Czech producer SMS CZ will also be there. On the E 27 standa, visitors will see the SUPERIOR 800 G and Ontario 300 disc cultivators, TERAN 700 cambridge rollers and the SEVERIT 300 compactor.

"We have been operating in Romania for almost 15 years and we manage to export several dozens of machines a year, mostly larger working widths, which corresponds to the structure of agriculture in the country. Participation in the most important events not only in the country is therefore a matter of course, given our position in the region. We cordially invite you to the TOPZONE partner's stand, where the machines will be on display," says Petr Jirsa, managing director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

Two models of disk cultivators will be presented to the public at the exhibition, namely SUPERIOR 800 G and ONTARIO 300.

The SUPERIOR 800 G is a wide-bar dics cultivator with two rows of discs with a diameter of 610 mm, mounted on maintenance-free bearings on forged skids, which are secured against overload by rubber silentblocks. The arrangement of two skins on one long silentblock ensures sufficient rigidity and constant guidance of the discs even in harsh conditions. The working depth of the machine is up to 18 cm and is hydraulically adjustable. The machine can be used both in minimization technologies and in conventional ploughing systems. The working width of the cultivator is 8 m. The elongated distance between the 1st and 2nd row of discs and the support roller guarantees extremely good passage of crop residues through the machine. Compared to the competition, the machine is very robust and therefore suitable for any farm with a need for high daily outputs (from 100 ha) at working speeds of up to 15 km/h.

In contrast, the ONTARIO 300 is a carried disc cultivator with a working width of 3 m. The machine has two rows of discs with a diameter of 510 (560) mm, which are mounted on maintenance-free bearings on individual skids made of high-strength steel. The skids are secured against overloading by rubber silent blocks. The working depth of the machine can be adjusted up to 12 cm by means of clips. The machine can be used for the first shallow seedbed or for pre-sowing preparation.

The popular cambridge roller category will be represented at the exhibition by the TERAN 700 model with a working width of 7 m. It is a semi-carried roller consisting of three sections. The attachment of the sections allows for excellent ground following, but also for uniform pressure of the rollers on the ground throughout the entire range of the machine, which is taken care of by the pressure spring. TERAN is equipped with a unique TitanLock system for fixing the individual sections. It is an original and absolutely reliable system of axial tightening of the cast iron segments on the shaft. The nut is not loosened on the shaft and the individual segment discs remain firmly pressed together, thus avoiding mutual wear and less stress on the shaft. There is also the option of using special rubber bearings that absorb vibrations in very demanding conditions and thus increase the life of the entire machine structure. The weight of the machine is 3350 kg, which means a pressure of 478 kg per 1 metre of travel. Not forgetting the wide range of accessories, be it different versions of discs and rollers, including diameters, but also seeding units with convenient control from the machine cab.

As the last representative of SMS CZ machines, the SEVERIT 300 compactor for pre-sowing preparation will be on display at the stand. Thanks to the combination of different types of working units, it is able to level the land, break up clods and at the same time precisely prepare the seedbed in one pass. It can be used not only in conventional agrotechnology after ploughing, but also in the case of minimisation technologies in shallow cultivation. The working width of the machine is 3 m and the working depth is up to 12 cm. The working speed of the machine is 8-15 km/h. The machine can be equipped with wide range of accessories such as different types of support rollers or levelling sections, etc.

SMS CZ machines will be on display at the stand of the business partner TOPZONE. All of you are cordially invited to stand E 27.

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Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů