Up to seven operations in one crossing

This is the SEVERIT seedbed cultivator from the workshop of SMS CZ, a producer of agricultural equipment in Rokytnice. Thanks to the combination of different types of working bodies, the machine can level the land, break up clods and precisely prepare the seedbed in one pass.

Seedbed cultivators are used especially after ploughing, when it is necessary to prepare the soil for planting quickly and well. The advantage of seedbed cultivators is that the machines can prepare the soil bed in one pass, saving not only the soil itself, but also time and operating costs. In terms of soil protection, the invaluable capabilities of the machines are the restoration of the water regime of the soil profile, which is further disturbed by each pass, the aeration and heat transfer to the soil thanks to the cultivation section, the prevention of negative soil compaction with the help of the tractor's ceiling cultivators, as well as the quality of the crop entry thanks to the flat seedbed created. The seedbed cultivators can also be used in minimisation technologies for shallower work.

The model range of SEVERIT seedbed cultivators from SMS CZ consists of 7 machines with working widths from 3 to 10 m. The machines are characterized by reliable, durable and robust construction made of high-strength materials.

With the exception of the SEVERIT 300, it is a semi-mounted, hydraulically folded machine. With a working width of 3 m, the SEVERIT 300 is a single frame machine with working sections. The design of the machines with working widths of 4 (SEVERIT 400) to 6 (SEVERIT 600) metres consists of two frames, the eight-metre version of the machine (SEVERIT 800), a three-part frame and the ten-metre version (SEVERIT 1000) a five-part frame, which are folded hydraulically into the transport position and perpendicular to the machine axis.

The range is therefore really wide and can be chosen by both small farmers with weaker machines and businesses where high daily output is required. The SEVERIT 300 can be aggregated with tractors with a minimum power of 107 HP (80 kW), while the SEVERIT 1000 requires a towing capacity of 308 HP (230 kW).

The machine axle is found on models with a working width of four metres and is located at the rear of the SEVERIT behind the working sections. In the working position, the wheels automatically lift up and do not hinder the smooth use of the machine. In addition, they effectively load the rear of the machine, which is a benefit when using the third support roller in particular. The axle can optionally be fitted with wide flotation wheels suitable for less soil compaction.

The SEVERIT has the advantage of a high working speed, which can be up to 15 km/h. This saves time for the farmer and, in addition, the high working speeds also allow for better lump breaking and therefore a more homogeneous soil profile structure.

The main working section consists of two rows of coulters as standard, or the machine can be fitted with three rows of tines on request, these are suitable for lighter and finer work in lighter soils. Other working organs from which the farmer can choose include front and rear skid steers, where there is also a choice between fixed and flexible versions, up to three rows of support rollers, again with a wide range of different types (from slatted, crosskil to double crosskil roller) and a tractor track cultivator. The depth of the sections can be adjusted mechanically or conveniently from the tractor cab using hydraulics and the working depth can be up to 15 cm.

A prerequisite for reliable and quality work of the seedbed cultivator is the incorporation of crop residues to a depth of at least 5 cm. At the same time, the size of these residues should be as small as possible. The wide spacing between the working sections of the organs prevents clogging and allows SEVERIT to be deployed even in fields with a small proportion of crop residues or on wetter soils and in wet conditions.

The SEVERIT seedbed cultivator saves farmers time and money thanks to its high working speed and the possibility to equip it with up to seven working sections. In addition, customers praise the machine's easy operation and low maintenance with minimal lubrication points.

More about SEVERIT here: https://www.smscz.cz/en/content/seedbed-cultivator-severit



Teran N
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