Titan roller to be seen for the first time in Luxembourg

Czech manufacturer of agricultural soil processing machines SMS CZ, s.r.o. participated for the first time at the beginning of this month in the Luxembourg exhibition Foire Agricole. The Titan 630, a robust and multifunctional roller, was presented to the professional and amateur public.

"We are pleased that thanks to the cooperation with a local business partner, the SMS CZ brand could be introduced to the Luxembourg public for the first time. The exhibition was also important for us because the event is regularly attended by farmers from neighbouring countries such as France, Belgium and Germany. Thus, from countries that are important and interesting for us commercially," says Ondřej Hanuš, Sales Manager of SMS CZ.

On the first weekend of the holiday season, the Titan roller was presented to the public at the stand of the Luxembourg partner Machines Agricoles Vosman. The machine is appreciated by farmers for its wide range of operations from arable land to permanent grassland. The Titan rollers are equipped with a rigid three-piece frame made of high-quality and durable steel. Notable is the generous oversizing of the frame wing pins. The weight transfer to the outer sections is solved by hydraulic pressure, which has a positive impact on the even processing of the soil. The machine is characterised by excellent ground following with the possibility of deployment even on steep slopes. Another advantage is the extremely high variability of the equipment, from skidding sections to sowing attachments. The machine can be conveniently controlled from the tractor cab, from folding out into the working position or hydraulically switching off and on the skid bar to monitoring and controlling the work of the sowing attachment. The machine is offered in working widths from 4,5 m up to 8,3 m. The Titan 630 with a working width of 6,3 m was presented to the Luxembourg public.

Over 300 exhibitors took part in the Foire Agricole exhibition in Ettelbruck and several thousand visitors came to the fairgrounds and exhibition area.

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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