Portugal: a new opportunity for SMS CZ

The Rokycany-based producer of agricultural machinery for soil, meadow and pasture processing, SMS CZ, is expanding its area of activity and entering into cooperation with a business partner in Portugal, where they will be used in a new segment of agriculture, which is the cultivation of nuts and dry fruits. SMS CZ machines were also presented to the Portuguese audience at the Agroglobal exhibition in Santarém.

After the June announcement of its entry into the Australian market, SMS CZ is now expanding its scope. This time it is Portugal, which is characterized by the cultivation of cereals, corn, rice, oats, potatoes, olives and fruit. Within the livestock production, cattle, pigs, sheep and goats are important.

"Establishing cooperation with new partners and entering new markets is one of our three strategic objectives from a business perspective. The others are innovation and development of new products and nurturing the existing network. Interestingly, the clientele of the partner selling machines in Portugal specialises in growing nuts and other dry fruits. Our range of machines was tailored to local requirements right from the start of the cooperation, where the emphasis is on making the machines fit between the crop/tree rows. After tillage and grassland machines, we are thus entering a new segment where our machines are used," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

SMS CZ has thus extended its product range of SMART seed drills with the SMART 250 model, which has a working width of 2.5 m. This machine is expected to be used not only on the Iberian Peninsula, but also in Australia, where there is also a demand for this machine. In general, the SMART 250 will find application with farmers working on smaller acreages or with tractors of lower power.

The ooperation was established in the spring and the first SMS CZ machines have already been delivered to the country, including the popular SMART 300 seed drill. Local farmers were able to see it during the first week of September at the Agroglobal exhibition in Santarém, Portugal.


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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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