SMS CZ celebrates 30 years, launches NEW product and innovations and introduces a new visual direction

SMS CZ s.r.o., a Czech producer of soil and meadow technology, celebrates 30 years of its existence this year. To mark the occasion, it is introducing the new TALON GREEN deep cultivator for meadows and pastures, the new generation of the FINISHER combined cultivator and has given itself a new visual identity that more accurately corresponds to the values and direction of the brand.

"On 19 March 2023, exactly 30 years have passed since SMS CZ s.r.o. was registered in the Commercial Register. This marked the start of an exciting journey during which we have transformed into an established and respected company developing and manufacturing quality agricultural equipment that we now supply to five continents around the world. We have also successfully developed our environmental product range, where we are dedicated to the implementation of incinerators and flue gas treatment plants." says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ, s.r.o.

During 30 years of its existence, the company from Rokycany has produced and sold 20 thousand pieces of agricultural equipment to 45 countries around the world. Currently, it operates through a sales network in more than 35 countries. The company is represented from Canada to Australia and New Zealand.

Talon green: new meadow subsoiler

In the jubilee year, SMS CZ launched a new subsoiler TALON GREEN at the beginning of autumn, designed for deep processing and aeration of permanent grassland without disturbing the vegetation and mixing the soil structure and pulling stones to the surface.

The machine's mechanically adjustable cutter cuts the top layer of the crop, opening up the surface for smooth passage of the straw, up to a depth of 35 cm. There is no tearing or damage to the surface. The support roller then consolidates everything.

The TALON GREEN 300/3 and 300/4 are available with a working width of 3 m and differ in the number of tines, with the TALON GREEN 300/3 being equipped with three straight tines and the TALON GREEN 300/4 with four.

Fixing the tines to the frame using bolts and pressure plates allows the farmer to change the tine positions according to his needs. The tines and re-roller are laterally adjustable and are secured by a shear bolt, or hydraulic locking can be used.

The machine can be equipped with a tubular roller or a Z roller for an aggressive grass cultivation effect. The Z roller is available in a 3 m machine width or segmented, where the segments are located behind the blades.

The new generation of the FINISHER cultivator

The list of product innovations does not end there. The Rokycany company has also launched a new generation of FINISHER cultivator. These machines are used in the first post-harvest soil processing or in minimization technologies where an increased share of crop residues is expected.

The FINISHER 300 and FINISHER 400 models with working widths of 3 and 4 m have been innovated.

In the new generation of machines, the original peelers with double-wound springs have been replaced by a new type with hydropneumatic overload protection, thus deepening the working depth of the machine to 35 cm. The new generation of machines is also characterised by the extension of the spacing of the working sections, which reduces the risk of the machine becoming clogged with crop residues.

The FINISHER 300 consists of one working frame, while the 400 version consists of two working frames, hydraulically folded perpendicular to the machine axis.

The machines are equipped with 3 rows of 350 mm axial spacing and a working depth of up to 35 cm. The diameter of the discs of the new FINISHERs remains 51 cm and the axial spacing of the discs is 125 mm. The working speed of the machine can be up to 15 km/h depending on the depth of cultivation and the tractor power.

Extension of the SMART seed drills range

Došlo také k rozšíření produktové nabídky secího stroje SMART o model SMART 250. Nově tak jsou nabízeny dva modely, a to SMART 300 a SMART 250. Jedná se o identické stroje, které se liší pracovním záběrem, který je modelu SMART 300 3 m a u nového modelu SMART 250 2,5 m. SMART 250 najde uplatnění na malých výměrách, vinicích a v sadech. Je také vhodný na farmy, kde farmáři disponují traktorem o nižších výkonu.

The product range of the SMART seed drill is also being extended with the SMART 250. Two models are now offered, the SMART 300 and the SMART 250. They are identical machines, but differ in working width, which is 3 m for the SMART 300 and 2.5 m for the new SMART 250. The SMART 250 is suitable for small acreages, vineyards and orchards. It is also suitable for farms where farmers have a tractor with lower power.


New visual identity

To celebrate the anniversary, the company is also unveiling a new visual identity. "We decided to use this historic milestone to innovate our visual and marketing journey," says Petr Jirsa, explaining the company's motivation: "In the first phase, the goal was not only to innovate the face of the brand and the company, but to establish a hierarchy of the segments we are dedicated to as a company."

This resulted in a total of three identities that are linked by the traditional and dominant SMS letters. Smart machinery solution now covers all the segments that the company is dedicated to, i.e. Agro - producing of agricultural machinery, and Technology - designing and manufacturing of incinerators and flue gas cleaning technology. In the communication, each segment will now be clearly distinguishable. The combination of red-brown and grey colours continues the existing visual direction and refers to soil and iron, the elements from which SMS CZ products are made and for which they are intended. The bevelled elements of the logo, the length of which shortens from the edge, then adds dynamism to the logo and evokes a sense of movement, just like all machines manufactured in Rokycany.

"I believe that the professional and general public will like the new visual way. It captures our company's values more accurately and corresponds with current trends in marketing and communication," concludes Petr Jirsa.

Partners and the public will start to encounter the new logo and concept from this year on trade fairs, SMS CZ machines, on the website, in press materials and elsewhere.

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

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Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů