SMS CZ machines on display in Belgium at Libramont 2023

Belgium and BENELUX are among the traditional markets of the Czech agricultural equipment producer SMS CZ. In its 10 years of presence in the region, the Czech brand has built a stable position and exports dozens of machines per year. That is why it regularly participates in the largest Belgian exhibition Libramont's Fair. And this year will be no different: from 28 July to 31 July, six SMS CZ machines will be presented at the show.

"In the Benelux countries, in general, the greatest interest is in the 4 to 5 metre working width of the mounted tillage machines. And because lighter soils are characteristic of the region, there is interest in lighter machines, which is why the exhibition will feature disc cultivators, subsoilers, but also cambridge roller and the SMART 300 seed drill," says Petr Jirsa, managing director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

At the SMS CZ stand at 24.04, the SMART 300 seed drill will be presented to the general and general public. The machine is used for establishing and reseeding grassland and common field crops. With a working width of 3 m it is suitable for small and medium areas. It is robust and therefore suitable for difficult conditions and stony soils. In addition, the machine can be equipped with a wide range of APV seeding accessories, with which SMS CZ has long cooperated.

 The light disc cultivator category will be represented by two machines, the ONTARIO 300 with a working width of 3 m and the ONTARIO 500 H carried hydraulically folded disc cultivator with a working width of 5 m. Both machines have two rows of discs and a support roller. For the ONTARIO 300, 510/560 mm diameter discs are available and for the ONTARIO 500 H, 510 mm diameter discs are available. The discs are mounted on maintenance-free bearings on individual high-strength steel skids. The skins are secured against overloading by rubber silent blocks. With the help of clips, the working depth of the machine can be adjusted up to 12 cm and the working speed can be up to 16 km/h. ONTARIO disc cultivators are used for first shallow cultivation or for pre-sowing preparation.

On display will be the ARRAS 470 H hydraulically folded, carrier mounted subsoiler with a working width of 4.7 m. The machine is equipped with three rows of coulters with an axial spacing of 22.5 cm. The coulters are elastically secured by a double-wound profile flake. The ARRAS subsoiler can be used for pre-sowing preparation, deeper cultivation up to 20 cm and shallow post-harvest tillage in minimisation technologies. In addition, the model on display can be fitted with various support and crumbling rollers according to the specific soil conditions. A straightening section behind the coulters is standard, which is equipped with a single row packer with 12 mm diameter rods. The working depth of the machine is adjusted mechanically by means of a support roller or by means of support wheels (if included in the optional equipment).

Another machine on display will be the TALON CLASSIC 300/6 deep subsoiler with six tines, a working width of 3 m and a working depth of up to 45 cm. The machine's working coulters are secured either by a shear bolt or, in more demanding conditions, hydropneumatically. In addition, straight or curved tines are available. The machine is used to break up, lift and aerate compacted soil without pulling the unproductive subsoil to the surface.

And let's not forget the TERAN N 300 cambridge roller for the rear three-point hitch with a working width of 3 m. This is the carrier version of the rollers, which stands out for its versatility, functionality and easy manoeuvrability. The machine is perfectly suited for use in the levelling and maintenance of permanent grassland, as well as for field applications, both for pre-sowing soil preparation and for subsequent seed rolling after sowing. Thanks to its short design, the machine's centre of gravity is very close to the linkage, making it suitable for less powerful tractors and sloping land.

Libramont's Fair 2023 is Europe's largest open-air agricultural exhibition. Every year, it welcomes 700 exhibitors and 4,000 brands on 200,000 m2. During the four exhibition days, up to 200,000 people visit the event.

You are all cordially invited to the SMS CZ stand on 24.04.

Teran N
24 July 2024

The Belgian market and the entire BENELUX region are important markets for the Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ. Over more than twenty years of presence in the region, the brand has built a strong position and regularly participates in the largest agricultural exhibition Libramont's Fair. This year will be no different: from 26 to 29 July, farmers can get to know five machines better.

26 June 2024

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Severit G 1200 ENG
26 June 2024

SMS CZ launches the new TITAN SIMPLE 630 cambridge roller. It has also expanded its range of SEVERIT compactors with the SEVERIT G model with a working width of 12 m and the TALON MEDIUM range of deep subsoilers has been extended to include machines with a working width of 4 and 5 m.

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

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