SMS CZ will present 6 machines at Země Živitelka (CZE)

SMS CZ, a Czech producer of agricultural equipment, will be part of the 50th annual agrosalon Země Živitelka, which will take place from 22 August to 27 August 2024 in České Budějovice (CZE). It will present a total of six top machines on the 201 booth, including last year's novelty TALON GREEN.

"Země Živitelka is a traditional and important domestic event for us, where we meet our customers and the professional public. I am therefore glad that we can present our technologies and innovations to the agricultural community at this event, which help them to make their work more efficient," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

This year's edition of SMS CZ was conceived as a presentation of smaller machines. It wants to clearly address smaller and private farmers, to whom it can offer solutions for their needs.

Last year's novelty - the TALON GREEN deep subsoiler for meadow - will be on display in outdoor stand 201 from Thursday 22 August to Tuesday 27 August. The machine is designed for deep cultivation and aeration of permanent grassland without disturbing the vegetation and mixing the soil structure and pulling stones to the surface. The mechanically adjustable cutter cuts the top layer of the crop for smooth passage of the sward, up to a depth of 35 cm. The support roller then consolidates everything. A 300/4 model with a working width of 3 m and four tines will be on display.

Visitors can also look forward to the SMART 300 universal seed drill. The machine is used for establishing and sowing soil seeds and meadow crops. The SMART works on the basis of slit seeding. It cuts a narrow slit in the soil into which it inserts the seed and presses the soil back down. With a working width of 3 m, it is suitable for small and medium areas. It is robust and therefore suitable for difficult conditions and stony soils. In addition, the machine can be equipped with a wide range of seeding accessories from APV.

With a working width of 6.3 m, the Cambridge roller TITAN 630 is a multifunctional tool for both arable and permanent grassland maintenance. They stand out for their robustness and frame rigidity. Another advantage is the extremely high variability of the equipment, which allows the machine to be adapted to customer requirements and soil conditions. The machine is controlled by means of a hydraulic circuit which controls the unfolding to the working position, the hydraulic switching off and on of the leveling bar and the control of the drill body including its monitoring.

Also on display will be the ARRAS 470 H, a hydraulically folded, mounted coulter cultivator with a working width of 4.7 m. The machine has three rows of coulters with an axial spacing of 22.5 cm, which are elastically secured by a double-wound flake. The ARRAS 470 H is suitable for pre-sowing preparation, deeper loosening up to 20 cm and shallow post-harvest tillage. The machine can be equipped with different support and crumbling rollers according to the soil conditions.

Visitors to the stand will also be able to see the LANIO 600 tined weeder with a working width of 6 m. The main working organs are the fingers, which are located in six rows, the spacing between each finger is 25 cm. The flexible fingers break up the surface and bring air to the roots, prevent water from escaping from the soil and destroy weeds. The aggressiveness of the fingers can be adjusted and the fingers themselves are available in 6, 7 or 8 mm diameters. On request, the machine can be retrofitted with a straightening rake or drill. The light weight of the LANIO allows it to be aggregated even with small tractors.

And lastly, the SEVERIT 300 compactor will be presented to the public. This is a 3 m working width machine that combines different types of working bodies and is able to level the land, break up clods and prepare the seedbed with precision in one pass. It is used for pre-sowing preparation.

Don't miss the opportunity to see the powerful SMS CZ machines with your own eyes and take advantage of exceptional discounts!

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