The new CULTIVATOR FINISHER will be presented at Bata Agro in Bulgaria

From 13 May to 17 May, one of the biggest agricultural exhibitions in Bulgaria Bata Agro will take place. During the five exhibition days, farmers will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the autumn novelty of SMS CZ, the FINISHER 3G 400 cultivator. All of you are cordially invited to the stand of partner Agritrade BG.

"The SMS CZ machines will be presented at the stand of our Bulgarian partner 2A-30, whom we would like to thank for their cooperation and the opportunity to present them. Together with the new cultivator, the SEVERIT 500 compactor will also be on display. We cordially invite everyone to the event," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

The new generation of the FINISHER cultivator was introduced to the public in autumn last year. The machine designed for first post-harvest soil processing and minimization technologies stands out in particular for its non-stop hydropneumatic locking, working depth of up to 35 cm and extended spacing of working sections, which reduces the risk of clogging the machine with plant residues. Three models are available, the FINISHER 300, 400 and 520, the second and third of which consist of two working frames hydraulically folded perpendicular to the machine axis.

Bulgarian farmers will be introduced to the FINISHER 400 model with a working width of 415 cm. The front part of the fully hydraulically operated machine consists of two rows of discs with a diameter of 510 mm and spacing of 125 mm. The discs are mounted using maintenance-free bearings on a double tined fixed to the machine frame using rubber silentblocks. The whole section takes care of shallow subsoiling and cutting of crop residues. This is followed by a section with three rows of tines spaced 310 mm apart for soil cultivation. The non-stop hydropneumatic plough lock can be adjusted between 400-700 kg. At the rear, behind the integrated axle, there is a levelling section (feathers or discs) and a roller for levelling and compacting the soil. The machine has a wide range of accessories, including different types of rollers.


Another machine from the Czech company on display at the event is the SEVERIT 500. It is a compactor with a working width of 5 m used in pre-sowing preparation. The design of the machine consists of two arms hydraulically folded perpendicular to the machine axis. The axle itself is located at the rear and is automatically raised in the working position. Thanks to the combination of different types of working bodies, SEVERIT is able to level the land, break up clods and at the same time precisely prepare the seedbed in one pass. It is therefore not only suitable for conventional post-tillage agrotechnology, but also for minimisation technology in shallow cultivation. Thanks to the wide range of accessories, it can combine up to 7 working operations in a single pass, thus saving both operating and equipment acquisition costs, but also the field itself, from the repeated entry of equipment and thus negative soil compaction.

You are all cordially invited to the Agritrade BG stand.


Teran N
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Severit G 1200 ENG
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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

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Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů