Another local premiere of the new FINISHER cultivator, this time in Romania

AgriPlanta-RomAgroTec, the largest outdoor agricultural machinery exhibition in Romania, will take place from 23 May to 26 May. At the event, the stand E239 of partner S.C. Zetor Tractor S.R.L. will also be presenting the new FINISHER 3G 300 cultivator. You are all cordially invited to the exhibition.

"The FINISHER cultivator is particularly suitable for first post-harvest cultivation. The machine was introduced in the autumn of last year, at a time when the work associated with its deployment was winding down. Therefore, together with our partners, we are now paying close attention to the introduction of the machine in the individual markets. The Bulgarian exhibition last week will be followed by the Romanian one, where the machine will be on display," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

Compared to the original version, the new generation of the FINISHER cultivator is equipped with a non-stop hydropneumatic locking system, which helps to reach a working depth of up to 35 cm in the first pass. The tool also has extended spacing of the individual working sections to prevent the machine from clogging with plant residues. There are three models in total. The FINISHER 300 is made up of a fixed one-piece frame with a working width of 300 cm, the 400 and 520 models have two working frames, hydraulically folded perpendicular to the machine axis, the working width of the machines is 415 cm and 540 cm, the transport width of both is the same 280 cm.

Specifically, the FINISHER 300 will be presented to Romanian farmers. The front part of the fully hydraulically operated machine consists of two rows of discs with a diameter of 510 mm and spacing of 125 mm. The discs are mounted using maintenance-free bearings on a double tines fixed to the machine frame using rubber silent blocks. The whole section takes care of shallow subsoiling and cutting of crop residues. This is followed by a section with three rows of 325 mm spaced rows of tines for soil penetration. The non-stop hydropneumatic plough lock can be easily adjusted between 400-700 kg. The rear of the machine consists of a levelling section (feathers or discs are available) and a roller, used to level and compact the soil. The machine axle is integrated between the tines section and the levelling section, which gives the machine good manoeuvrability and allows it to work efficiently and evenly.

The FINISHER, as well as other machines from the SMS CZ workshop, is characterized by a wide range of accessories including various types of rollers. The customer is thus able to adapt the machine to his own needs and conditions.

The AgriPlanta-RomAgroTec field exhibition has been held since 2011 and has become the most important event in the region. The event regularly attracts more than 250 exhibitors from several countries and attracts 20,000 visitors. The organisers invite not only static displays of equipment, but also practical demonstrations.

All of you are cordially invited to the S.C. Zetor Tractor S.R.L., where the novelty will be on display.

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