SIMA 2019

At the end of February all attention in agrotechnique was focused to Paris as usual. An international exhibition SIMA 2019 took place on 24-27th February with traditional attendance of our company SMSCZ as well. The most favourite machines in France and worldwide Kompaktor Severit K400H, disc cultivator Ontarion 500, Cambridge roller CVH 630 and cultivator Atos 300 were exhibited in a hall 5B.

SMSCZ exposition on SIMA 2019. Kompaktor K400H (in the middle) was sold to a french customer immediately after the exhibiton

SMSCZ has been operating in the country of the Gaelic chicken for over 20 years. For this time we have been creating a good reputation as the quality and reliable producer. Our french dealer proclaims J.G.Lesage:

I have launched the cooperation with SMSCZ long time ago. From very begining we got started to sell machines to the demanding french customers. French customer is very strict, willing to buy a quality cheap product. A well-working machine is his priority followed by the costs. Our succes in France is given because of the quality of SMS machines for a reasonable price.

Plenty customers came around to have a look at our products. Our french SMS team was very busy

Our partners from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, England, Netherlands, the Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary etc. came to our exposition. In result new orders were signed and new potential dealers were contacted. It is supposed to bring new trade opportunities.  

Meeting with the dealers from Kazakhstan and Great Britain

SMSCZ, s.r.o. would like to thank all of our partners, helping us to get closer to the final customers and of course we appreciate our customers and their trust in SMSCZ.  

ATH 2024
09 September 2024

Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ s.r.o. will take part in the Agrotechniek Holland exhibition, which will take place from 11 to 14 September 2024. SMS CZ will present six machines at the prestigious agricultural event, reflecting the company's long tradition in the production of machinery for soil processing and meadow maintenance. Machines representing every single category as well as universal and will be on display on area 5.22.

Teran N
24 July 2024

The Belgian market and the entire BENELUX region are important markets for the Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ. Over more than twenty years of presence in the region, the brand has built a strong position and regularly participates in the largest agricultural exhibition Libramont's Fair. This year will be no different: from 26 to 29 July, farmers can get to know five machines better.

26 June 2024

The product offer of SMS CZ has been expanded from summer 2024 by a completely new category of machines, namely ploughs. With the INFINITE model series, the producer enters a new ploughing segment with a range of four models.

CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004523 - Nová technologie rafinace spalin a eliminace persistetních organických látek využitím odpadního sorbentu 

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Oveřená technologie: nová technologie rafinace spalin pro snižování kyselých plynů  a persistentních organických látek. Popoprovoz nové technologie rafinace spalin

CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004522 - Nová nízkonákladová technologie pro katalytickou redukci oxidů dusíku ve spalinách určená pro malé a střední emisní zdroje

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Oveřená technologie nové katalytické metody snižování NOx ve spalinách. Návrh a konstrukce nové technologie DeNOx instalované na poloprovozní spalovací jednotce VŠB-TUO.

Výstavy 2017-2019

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

Účast na zahraničních výstavách 2018-2020

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Udržet pozici na zaharaničních trzích, udržet podíl vývozu firmy na cca 70-ti procentech produkce a získavat trhy nové, aby mohlo dojít k vyrovnání případného poklesu kupní síly(vlivem stavu zemědělství a  dotací), v některé zemi kam vyvážíme.

Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů