Czech tillage machines to be seen at the fair in Belgium

In the midst of a sultry summer, the Rokycany-based SMS CZ brand will present itself to the Belgian public at the Agricultural and Forest Fair of Libramont 2022. From 29 July to 1 August, farmers can look forward to six SMS CZ machines for soil processing and maintenance of meadows and pastures in Libramont, Belgium.

"We have been operating in Belgium and Benelux for almost 10 years, during which time we have established a strong presence in these traditionally agricultural countries. Participating in Belgium's largest outdoor agricultural machinery exhibition was therefore an obvious decision for us," says Petr Jirsa, managing director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

At the fair, which takes place at the end of July and the beginning of August, visitors will be able to see machines for soil cultivation as well as for the maintenance of meadows and pastures.

Specifically, the Teran N 300 for the tractor's rear three-point hitch will be exhibited. These are the carried version of the rollers with a working width of 3 m, which stand out for their versatility and easy manoeuvrability. They are suitable for both permanent grassland maintenance and field operations. The machines are also suitable for less powerful tractors or sloping land.

The rollers will also be represented at the fair by the Titan 630 model with a working width of 6,3 m. The machine is appreciated by farmers for its wide range of applications from arable land to permanent grassland. It is equipped with a rigid three-piece frame made of high-quality and durable steel. Notable is the generous oversizing of the frame wing pins. The weight transfer to the outer sections is solved by hydraulic pressure, which has a positive effect on the even soil processing. The machine is characterised by excellent ground following with the possibility of deployment even on steep slopes. The machine can be conveniently operated from the tractor cab.

Cultivators will be represented at the fair by the Arras 470 H, which is equipped with three rows of shares with an axial spacing of 22,5 cm. The Arras cultivator can be used for pre-sowing preparation, deeper cultivation up to 20 cm and shallow post-harvest tillage. And the Atos 300 shares cultivator, which is used for both pre-sowing preparation and post-harvest tillage. It is a versatile machine with three rows of shares and an axial spacing of 30 cm. Depending on the type of shares used and the machine setting, the soil can be processed to a depth of 5-30 cm.

The public can also look forward to the hydraulically folded, carrier disc subsoiler Ontario 500 H. The machine has two rows of discs with a diameter of 510/560 mm, mounted on maintenance-free bearings on high-strength steel skids, secured against overload by rubber silent blocks. With a working width of 5 m and a working depth of up to 12 cm, the Ontario is suitable for shallow subsoiling, pre-sowing or maintenance of permanent grassland.

The last representative of Rokycany machines at the exhibition is the Talon 300/6 deep cultivator with six skids and a working depth of up to 45 cm. It is used for breaking up, lifting and aerating compacted soil without pulling the infertile subsoil to the surface. The machine is designed for aggregation with other tools such as rotary harrows, seed drills, cultivators, etc. This is made possible by the machine's own three-point hitch, allowing the user to provide several operations in one pass. The Talon 300/6 presented at the Belgium trade fair will feature a corrugated roller with shear guard.

The Agricultural and Forest Fair of Libramont 2022 has been held since 1927. With an exhibition area of 300 thousand m2, the presence of 800 exhibitors and 5,000 brands, and an attendance of 220 thousand visitors, it is one of the leading fairs in the Benelux and neighbouring countries such as France, Germany, Denmark and the UK. The event is taking place after two years negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You are all cordially invited to the area 24.04, where the Czech brand SMS CZ will be presented.

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