Product news from SMS CZ for season 2024

SMS CZ s.r.o., a Czech producer of soil and meadow cultivation equipment, launches the new TITAN SIMPLE 630 cambridge roller. It has also expanded its range of SEVERIT compactors with the SEVERIT G model with a working width of 12 m and the TALON MEDIUM range of deep subsoilers has been extended to include machines with a working width of 4 and 5 m.

TITAN SIMPLE 630 Cambridge roller

"Especially from western countries we have been registering demand for hydraulically folded lightweight cambridge rollers for a long time. We have therefore developed a new model, the TITAN SIMPLE, which meets these requirements. The machine is designed for field use and can currently be ordered from our network of authorized dealers," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ.

The new TITAN SIMPLE 630 has a working width of 6.3 m and is hydraulically folded forward into the working or transport position. The concept is based on the original TITAN, but is significantly simplified and lightened. The rollers are divided into three working sections independently attached to the frame of the machine, which gives the machine excellent copying properties, as each section can freely swing to negative angles. When folded into the working position, the transport wheels automatically raise to height, thus not interfering with the work and effectively loading the machine. The required power per tractor is a minimum of 65 kW (87 HP). The machine is equipped with C-type discs with diameters of 510/530 mm, which are fixed to each other by the original TitanLock system. This is an absolutely reliable system of axial retraction of the cast iron segments on the shaft. The nut does not loosen on the shaft and the individual segment discs remain firmly pressed together, thus avoiding mutual wear. The service life of such a section is significantly longer than that of conventional tightening systems, and at the same time the shaft is less stressed. As an accessory, the machine can be fitted with a hydraulically operated crossboard for perfect lump crushing and land levelling. The weight of the new machine ranges from 3350 kg depending on the selected accessories.


The popular SEVERIT range of compactors has been extended this year with the launch of the SEVERIT G 1200, a machine with a working width of 12 m.

"The machine is designed especially for cooperatives and farms where high daily outputs are required. The introduced model is currently undergoing a final testing phase where we are fine-tuning the last details, but interested parties can already order it now," says Petr Jirsa.

The SEVERIT G is expected to be used in pre-sowing preparation. By combining different types of working units, the machine is able to level the land, break up clods and precisely prepare the seedbed in one pass. This saves its owners operating costs and the land itself from negative compaction by repeatedly driving heavy machinery into the field.

The SEVERIT G is a semi-carried machine with four robust working frames hydraulically folded forward. Each work frame is loosely attached, giving the SEVERIT G good copying properties. In the working position, the transport wheels are positioned in front of the working sections

The advantage of SEVERIT G is the high working speed, which can be up to 15 km/h. This saves time for the farmer, and the high working speed also allows for better clod crushing.

As far as the working sections are concerned, the compactor combines skidders, rollers and tines so that the seedbed is always precisely prepared in one pass. The machine is characterised by a wide range of accessories, with a choice of different types of rollers, such as slat, crosskill and double crosskill rollers, arrow or tine shares, hydraulic depth adjustment, etc. The wide spacing between the working sections of the bodies prevents clogging and allows the SEVERIT G to be deployed even in fields with a small proportion of crop residues or in wetter soils and wet conditions.


The list of new products from SMS CZ does not end there, during the spring the company also extended the range of TALON MEDIUM deep subsoiler with new models 400/9H and 500/13H, i.e. machines with working widths of 4 and 5 m.

The TALON MEDIUM deep subsoiler is mainly used for post-harvest work. Due to its high throughput, it can process stubble with a high proportion of plant residues and can therefore be used as a cheap and much more productive substitute for ploughing. The depth of the soil profile is up to 45 cm and it aerates the soil and breaks the impermeable layer, which has a positive effect on the root system of crops.

The new 400/9H and 500/13H models have 9 and 13 tines with shear or hydraulic lock. The working depth of the machine is then controlled hydraulically by the operator. The machines can be equipped with a wide range of accessories, from side screens to eliminate the formation of ridges, to support wheels and various types of tines.

ATH 2024
09 September 2024

Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ s.r.o. will take part in the Agrotechniek Holland exhibition, which will take place from 11 to 14 September 2024. SMS CZ will present six machines at the prestigious agricultural event, reflecting the company's long tradition in the production of machinery for soil processing and meadow maintenance. Machines representing every single category as well as universal and will be on display on area 5.22.

Teran N
24 July 2024

The Belgian market and the entire BENELUX region are important markets for the Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ. Over more than twenty years of presence in the region, the brand has built a strong position and regularly participates in the largest agricultural exhibition Libramont's Fair. This year will be no different: from 26 to 29 July, farmers can get to know five machines better.

26 June 2024

The product offer of SMS CZ has been expanded from summer 2024 by a completely new category of machines, namely ploughs. With the INFINITE model series, the producer enters a new ploughing segment with a range of four models.

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Výstavy 2017-2019

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

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je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Udržet pozici na zaharaničních trzích, udržet podíl vývozu firmy na cca 70-ti procentech produkce a získavat trhy nové, aby mohlo dojít k vyrovnání případného poklesu kupní síly(vlivem stavu zemědělství a  dotací), v některé zemi kam vyvážíme.

Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů