SMS CZ presents its brand new INFINITE ploughs

The product offer of the Czech producer of agricultural equipment for soil and meadow processing, SMS CZ s.r.o., has been expanded from summer 2024 by a completely new category of machines, namely ploughs. With the INFINITE model series, the producer enters a new ploughing segment with a range of four models.

"In the context of deep tillage, we have long been developing the range and concept of the TALON deep subsoilers. However, we have seen customer demand for conventional ploughs. We have now listened to their call and are introducing the INFINITE model series of inversion ploughs suitable especially for difficult soil conditions," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ, s.r.o.

As with other machines from SMS CZ, the INFINITE ploughs are characterised by high performance and long service life. This is achieved thanks to the machine's robust workmanship and the use of quality materials in its manufacture.  The range consists of 4 models, which differ in the number of furrows, i.e. 4, 4+1, 5 and 5+1.

The 140x140x10 mm frame profile is also reinforced to withstand the toughest soil conditions. The recommended power of tractor for the INFINITE 4 model is 120 kW, for the INFINITE 4+1 and 5 models it is 140 kW and for the INFINITE 5+1 it is 160 kW. The interbody distance is identically 1000 mm and the height under beam clearance is 800-820 mm. All models have the same linkage type category 3 and 10.0/75-15.3 support wheels.

As standard, the ploughs are equipped with a hydraulic cylinder with automated unit for turning and a trashboard. The furrows can be secured either by a shear bolt (standard) or by a spring, depending on the customer's preference. The sworking width is 35, 41, 47 cm and the machine operator having the option to mechanically change the width of the first furrow.

When it comes to mouldboards, there is a wide choice of five types, from solid to strip.  The components are made of extremely durable steel with a thickness of 8 mm (solid) and 10 mm (strip). The strip model is characterized by low soil resistance and excellent friability, compared to solid moudlboards, plus they reduce fuel consumption by up to 20 %. The ploughing depth is up to 40 cm. It is perfectly suited from sandy to clay soils. There are also helical solid ploughing bodies with ploughing depths of up to 30 cm and cylindrical solid ploughing bodies with ploughing depths of 34 and 40 cm respectively, depending on the type chosen.

As usual with SMS CZ, INFINITE ploughs can be equipped with a wide range of accessories. The farmer has a choice of different types of skimmers that take care of the optimum cover of crop residues, including ploughing corn. There is also a rolling coulter for cutting the soil at the last furrow, or a sword landsides and not forgetting the memory cylinder.

In addition, the easy maintenance of the machine is a clear customer benefit. The construction of the machines is designed to allow easy maintenance and quick replacement of worn parts.

"The machines are available now and can be ordered from SMS CZ authorised dealers. The demand for them is registered especially on the western markets," says Petr Jirsa, Managing Director of SMS CZ s.r.o.

ATH 2024
09 September 2024

Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ s.r.o. will take part in the Agrotechniek Holland exhibition, which will take place from 11 to 14 September 2024. SMS CZ will present six machines at the prestigious agricultural event, reflecting the company's long tradition in the production of machinery for soil processing and meadow maintenance. Machines representing every single category as well as universal and will be on display on area 5.22.

Teran N
24 July 2024

The Belgian market and the entire BENELUX region are important markets for the Czech agricultural machinery producer SMS CZ. Over more than twenty years of presence in the region, the brand has built a strong position and regularly participates in the largest agricultural exhibition Libramont's Fair. This year will be no different: from 26 to 29 July, farmers can get to know five machines better.

26 June 2024

The product offer of SMS CZ has been expanded from summer 2024 by a completely new category of machines, namely ploughs. With the INFINITE model series, the producer enters a new ploughing segment with a range of four models.

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