NEW 2023

The TALON GREEN subsoiler is designed for deep cultivation and aeration of permanent grassland without disturbing the vegetation and without mixing the soil structure and pulling stones to the surface.

The mechanically adjustable cutter cuts the top layer of the crop, opening the surface for smooth passage of the husk, thus avoiding tearing or damage. The support roller then stiffens everything.

The cutter, fitted with a maintenance-free bearing, is attached to the machine frame by rubber silent blocks that absorb vibrations from uneven ground. This prevents the frame from being forcefully overloaded.

The attachment of the tiness to the machine frame is by means of strength bolts and pressure plates to the frame. This ensures that the position of the tine can be changed according to the farmer's needs. Tines and roller are laterally adjustable and are secured by a shear bolt, or hydraulic locking can be used for heavier or rocky terrain.

The machine can be equipped with a tubular roller or a Z roller for an aggressive grass cultivation effect. In addition, the Z roller is available in the full working width of the machine or in smaller sections/shots located behind the tines. 


Pros of Talon Green:

  • Aeration of permanent grass areas up to 35 cm deep
  • Disturbance of the subsoil
  • Loosening without tearing or damaging the crop
  • Improving and restoring water infiltration
  • Promoting emergence
  • Improving conditions for plant growth with a deep root system


Function and another advantages:

  • Easy peel change
  • Robust frame made of high-strength materials
  • Working with the machine at speeds of 5-8 km/h

Soil aeration up to 35 cm without mixing


Aeration of permanent grassland without disturbing the surface




No of tines



Working width (cm)



Transport width (mm)



Working depth (cm)



Min. power output (kW)



Working speed (km/h)




cat. 3

cat. 3

Type of tines

Straight tines


Tubular roller
Z roller

⌀ 500 or 550 mm

in the width of the whole machine 300 cm, or segmented with placement behind the tines


Hydraulic locking of tines

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Výstavy 2017-2019

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Uchopit pozici na zahraničních trzích a snažit se získat a uchopit pozici na trzích, kde naše stroje ještě nejsou tolik známé.

Účast na zahraničních výstavách 2018-2020

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Udržet pozici na zaharaničních trzích, udržet podíl vývozu firmy na cca 70-ti procentech produkce a získavat trhy nové, aby mohlo dojít k vyrovnání případného poklesu kupní síly(vlivem stavu zemědělství a  dotací), v některé zemi kam vyvážíme.

Optimalizace strojně-technologického vybavení pro potřeby výrobních procesů nově vyvíjených a inovovaných produktů společnosti SMS CZ s.r.o.

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií

Inovace výrobních procesů a výroba inovovaných produktů